
The Island Medical Program (IMP)  Physician Education Program (PEP) will provide needs-based continuing education and faculty development to Vancouver Island’s physicians and allied health professionals.

Check out the IMP PEP’s Teacher Certificate Program as well as programs and resources offered by UBC Faculty Development  and UBC CPD (Continuing Professional Development).

Keep an eye on this space as the program continues to develop!

Centre for Health Education Scholarship

The Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) builds capacity in medical education scholarship through faculty mentorship and collaborative relationships.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Laura Farrell, the IMP CHES liaison. CHES opportunities are available to faculty only.

Learn more about CHES

Inclusivity in the Learning Environment

This module is informed by the UBC Faculty of Medicine expectations for an inclusive environment, and provides guidance for faculty, learners and staff on how to address actions that are not aligned with those expectations. It provides an introduction to inclusion and is intended to promote collaborative discussions that result in collective learning about inclusive practices.

Click here to access the module

Additional Resources

For additional teaching resources click here.

To access and subscribe to the Faculty of Medicine bi-monthly Faculty Development e-newsletter click here

Wellness Resources:

Care for Caregivers – Healthcare Worker Resources and Mental Health Seminars

Article: This Changed My Practice: Stress First Aid as a form of Peer Support