Calling all Vancouver Island healthcare professionals!
Join your colleagues for the inaugural Island Medicine conference on June 10 – 11, 2022, at the Victoria Convention Centre.
Not only will you hear from local experts on topics seen every day in practice, but you’ll also have the opportunity to make connections with fellow providers from across the Island.
“With updates from our local experts, discussion panels regarding important issues, and interactive skills and breakout sessions, we are hoping this event is informative, engaging, and highly relevant,” says Dr. Chris Morrow, conference chair and director of the Island Medical Program’s Physician Education Program.

Dr. Chris Morrow, Island Medicine 2022 conference chair
“Our recent island-wide needs assessment showed there is a huge appetite for an in-person educational event like this. Clinicians and other healthcare providers are eager to get together in a supportive learning and networking environment.”
The first day of the conference will include a mix of plenary, breakouts, and panel discussions. Topics covered include treating patients with multiple barriers, navigating mental health care on Vancouver Island, caring for Indigenous patients, women’s health procedures, violence prevention, delirium assessment, and more.
The second day will focus on small-group, hands-on skills and simulation workshops (with the simulations hosted at the Centre for Interprofessional Clinical Simulation Learning at Royal Jubilee Hospital). You can choose from topics including complex wound care, airway management, atrial fibrillation, responding to opioid toxicity, and more.
“The optional simulations and skills stations on Day Two will provide unique immersive, interactive, and innovative learning experiences, which we are excited to offer to front-line Island healthcare providers,” says Dr. Morrow.
The Island Medicine 2022 conference is open to all healthcare professionals. Please note, the content is geared toward family physicians, emergency physicians, hospitalists, geriatricians, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, nurses, residents, and medical students. Attendees can earn up to 12.0 Mainpro+/MOC Section 1 credits.
Costs to attend vary. To register and for more information (including a full list of topics and speakers, costs, safety guidelines, and more), please visit the conference’s website.