Dr. Anna Macdonald 

Manager, Centre for Interprofessional Clinical Simulation Learning (CICSL)
250-519-7700 ext. 13663

Dr. Anna Macdonald (she/her) has a PhD in Neuroscience that she completed through the University of Victoria (UVic) Division of Medical Sciences in 2013. During her time as a graduate student and postdoctoral fellow in the Christie Lab, she also taught in the Island Medical Program – both as a PBL (now, CBL) tutor and as a lab instructor for the neuroanatomy and gross anatomy labs. She now manages the day-to-day operations of CICSL, the simulation centre at the Royal Jubilee Hospital, and simulation spaces at the Victoria General Hospital. She continues to appreciate being involved in undergraduate and postgraduate resident education through simulation. She is also adjunct faculty with the UVic Division of Medical Sciences.


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